By: Todd Spears, Herc Magnus & Dino Gomez

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We'll Launch To Our Customers Feb, 2019

Q.  How Do I Access PixelScout After My Purchase?
A.  Once you purchase Site Speed Profits you’ll receive a delivery email with a thank you page link where you can access your new purchase as well as your bonus URL to register for PixelScout.

Q. Hey, I thought it was $17, why is it showing $19.03 now?
A.  It was $17 when they first opened their cart but they have raised their price by $1 twice now.

Q. Why does the buy link take me to Site Speed Profits (Speed Sniffer) instead of PixelScout?
A. Because this is how we structured our beta launch of the Pixel software. If you purchase Site Speed Profits, you get PixelScout included. This is a WIN WIN WIN situation because we the developers re-coup some development costs in the form of commissions on your Speed Sniffer purchase, Nick and Tom get some new users into their software platform, and YOU get 2 softwares for the price of 1.

Q. Do I have to buy the OTO’s.
A. No, but the additional credits are rewarded to you if you do.